
The Voice Inside

I order and review a lot of labs. A lot. Every day. Basic labs include a blood count, kidney function, liver function, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, etc), cholesterol, and an A1C (if you're diabetic). These labs will typically help us monitor how meds may be affecting patients, how controlled or uncontrolled their medical conditions, and if …

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Day 6-Humans

Tall. Average. Petite. Obese. Average. Underweight. Anorexic. Black. Brown. Green. Blue. Hazel. Eyes. Black. Brown. Blonde. Dirty blonde. Grey. White. Hair. The possible combinations of skin, hair, eyes, height, weight, muscle build, fatty tissue, nail thickness, personality, etc. are in the millions. Yes, God made them all. Vitiligo. Neurofibromatosis. Psoriasis. Acne. Acanthosis Nigracans. Rosacea. All …

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